When I first started trying to eat healthy about 5 years ago, the very first thing I did was give up fast food, soft drinks and sweets-all the obvious things that I knew were bad for me. I started eating things like Lean Cuisine meals, protein bars, granola bars, baked chips, reduced fat crackers, diet soft drinks, flavored yogurt, fat free hotdogs,etc...all those things that sound like they are good for you.... but really are not. At the time, I thought I was eating really healthy. The thing that I didn't realize was that I was still eating too many processed foods . Even though they may have been fat free or sugar free, they were not the healthiest choicest because of all the artificial ingredients that they put into those foods to make them taste good. I didn't know back then about high fructose corn syrup, partially hydrogenated oils, and artificial sweeteners being bad for you. What I didn't realize is that the key is to focus not on sugar free or fat free "di...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things