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Showing posts from May, 2016

Workouts of the Week & Memorial Pics

Happy Tuesday(that feels like a Monday)! Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial day weekend. We had a family cookout on Sunday. I had so much fun with my family, playing with all my little cousins, running around barefoot, playing volleyball, and eating lots of yummy food! Celeste and all my little cousins are just the cutest things! Monday I didn't go in to work, so I got in a quick workout that morning, then spent the rest of the day floating in the pool and laying in the hammock. It was the perfect hot, summer day! So I'm really excited, because I finally decided to get a local powerlifting/weightlifting coach to write me out a strength focused program!  The reason I haven't followed a program for a while is because there are so many out there, that I just get overwhelmed. You know, the whole, "paralysis by analysis" thing? Yeah...It's easier to be a bodybuilder and just wing it! I'm excited to follow a structur...

Looks Can be Deceiving

This is something that has been bothering me lately. So my partner who I did the competition with struggles with her weight. She exercises consistently and eats healthy but just has a hard time losing weight. She's been doing CrossFit for a few years now, and she is SUPER fit and SUPER strong. She is in way better shape than me cardiovascular and endurance wise, and she deadlifts over 300 pounds and squats over 200! However, from what she's told me, people often look at her and judge her based on her appearance, assuming that she isn't in good shape or that she isn't strong. When that is SO not the case. On the other hand, whenever I would talk about how scared I was for this competition and how much I sucked at CrossFit, people were saying, "Oh, you're going to kill it, you're so fit, yadda, yadda, yadda." Basically just assuming that I'm in good cardio shape just because I look "fit". Most people would look at the two of us, and aut...

Workouts of The Week

Happy Sunday!  It's been raining here in KY for like two weeks straight, but today is supposed to be beautiful! Gotta get my food prep and laundry done early, because I plan on being outside ALL day! :) ☼☼☼ Workouts were pretty good this week, but I really gotta get back into following a structured plan. Haven't focused on really increasing my lifts or anything lately, just pretty much maintaining.  But it's time to get back into it, because getting stronger really is my jam. The good thing is- NO CROSSFIT  this week!  Not one kettlebell swing or burpee to be found. ;) MONDAY UPPER BODY Wasn't really feeling this workout, but I just went in and did something. Nothing crazy, nothing super heavy. Was just feeling kind of "blah" and not motivated. But hey, you can't always rely on motivation. Just get it done. 1)Ring pullups: 3x8 2)Landmine press: 20x8/30x6/30x6/20x8 3a)Wide cable row: 8/8/10/12 3b)DB chest press: 45x8/8/40x10/10 4)Seated clea...

Break Free

I often have women who message or email me asking for advice about their workouts and/or nutrition. And often, it's women who are coming to me for help in finding balance . They tell me how they are obsessed with clean eating and working out, that they fear eating "bad" foods, or carbs, or how they try to eat super strict and low calorie all week, only to binge on weekends. Or it's women writing just to thank me for for my posts, as they have or are currently struggling with eating an disorder and/or finding balance. The fact that I continue to get these messages is why I'm passionate about sharing what has helped me and how I've found balance. There are just so many women(and men, I'm sure) out there who are experiencing this, and I want to open up their eyes and help them to break free! Food should not be feared, it shouldn't control our lives, and it should not be a cause of stress or anxiety. I've saved articles that I've read...

My First CrossFit Competition

I can't believe I seriously did a CrossFit competition after not having done CrossFit in like 3 years. Not only did I survive, but I surprised myself at how well I did. Going into this, I seriously was expecting last place. The fact that we were in the top 10 blows my mind! Actually, 6th place to be exact. ;) Going into the competition, I was really nervous and NOT looking forward to it at all. I just wanted to get it over with, say I did it, and be done with it. I know it was just a scaled WOD, but I still didn't want to absolutely SUCK ! I feel like there was a huge expectation of me from the people at my gym since I look "fit" I really didn't want my "out of shapeness" to show too bad! Ha!  I was really worried about my breathing and my body just giving out on me, but my adrenaline kicked in and I just totally zoned out during the WODs. I was able to go fast on everything and not have to stop and rest more than the rest I was able...

Workouts of the Week

Well, I survived the competition! Actually, it was pretty fun. My adrenaline kicked in and I really surprised myself with what I was able to do. Still, I'm glad it's over. ;) I'll do a more in-depth recap couple days! Here's what my week of workouts looked like: MONDAY UPPER BODY + WOD 1)Power clean to hang clean to push jerk: worked up to 135, then 125, 115 2a)Landmine press: 20x6/25x6/30x6/25x8 2b)Pullups, neutral wide grip: 10/8/8/8 3a)Cable row: 4x8 3b)DB floor press: 3x10 4a)DB curls: 3x10-12 4b)Bentover lateral raise: 3x12 Finisher: 8 minute amrap: 5 pushups 10 swings 15 box stepovers 5 rounds + 5 pushups TUESDAY 30 minute amrap: 200 meter row 10 burpees over foam roller 200 meter run/200 meter walk 10 hanging knee raises 5 rounds WEDNESDAY LOWER BODY 1a)Glute ham raises: 3x12 1b)Broad jumps: 2x5 2)Front squats: 115x3/135x3/145x3/135x5/135x5 3)Pause squats: 135x5/155x3x5 4)Leg press: 230x12/250x12/250x10/230x12/200x15 5)Band wal...

Thursday Thoughts

Soooo my CrossFit competition is tomorrow!!!! I don't feel ready at all, and I'm not even excited about it. I mean really, what was I thinking??? I know it's just for fun, but killing myself isn't really my kind of "fun"! I'm just thankful it's scaled. But I'm still scared! All I know is that after a couple week of doing CrossFit workouts again, I've realized one thing: I do not enjoy it at ALL anymore. There was always a little piece of me that would occasionally think about going back to CrossFit, but now I am for certain that it is NOT for me. Why I initially fell in love with it was because I had come from pure bodybuilding workouts, where all I would do was go into the gym to get a pump and just to "fry" whatever muscle I was working on that day. So CrossFit was like this brand new world to me. There were so many exercises and movements that I had never done before, and I loved the challenge of learning new things. I loved ...

Not What's On The Surface

“Life is not about  bodyfat and muscle tone. It’s about where our hearts are at  and His grace alone. It’s not about the mirror  or any other measurement.  It’s in our service to others,  reflecting the Son He sent. We’re called to honor the body,  but not for our praise or reward.  We're just simple, humble stewards,  on a mission for the Lord. So eat right, train hard,  but don’t forget your purpose.  God sees your heart  and not what’s on the surface. ” --Jimmy Peña(PrayFit)

Workouts of The Week

Happy Sunday! Hope you are all having a great weekend so far! Yesterday we had a nice sunny day, but today is rainy and dreary. :(  Matt worked on getting our pool ready to go, I laid out in the sun, and then we went out for some ice cream after church. Today I'll just be doing my laundry, food prep and planting my flower pots later. Then I'll try to come up with my workouts for this coming week. I plan on getting a massage this week, since I've been having some pain in my shoulder blade and lower back. Gotta be fresh and feeling good for Friday! So this week I was just trying to work on my conditioning for this competition without overdoing it. I did a WOD on Tuesday and a short one Thursday in addition to my weight training. I'm so scared of what the last workout is going to be! I have a feeling it's going to be something involving running. :/ Guess I should probably run a little at some point before next Friday! Don't worry, after this competition, i...

Ambassador For Christ

As most of you know, I am an "ambassador" for MuscleTech and Compete Every Day . The point of having ambassadors for a company is usually to increase brand awareness and sales. That means that my job as ambassador is to promote them well, to show and talk about their products and to tell people what I love about them. If you truly love the company(which is the case for me), that's an easy thing to do. The other day as I was doing my bible reading, I came across this verse in 2 Corinthians: "We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us." (2 Corinthians 5: 20) I had never noticed the use of the word "ambassador" before. It made me realize that more important than my role of ambassador for any supplement or clothing company, is my role as an ambassador for Christ. Ambassador can be defined as: " an accredited diplomat sent by a country as its official representative to a foreign country", or, ...

Workouts of The Week

I have seriously got to be crazy to be doing a CrossFit competition!! I'm just all about experiences and challenges, which is the only reason I'm doing this. We will probably come in dead last, but oh well. It's all for fun! This week I just wanted to try to ease myself into doing some CrossFit workouts, so I did some burpees and swings on my rest days, since that's what the first WOD of the competition will be. Then I just did the rest of my normal workouts and another CrossFit workout Friday. I really don't have much of a plan for how I'm going to train for this...but I only have 2 weeks! I'm thinking I'm just going to do my strength stuff followed by a CrossFit WOD, mostly working on the things we'll be doing in the competition, since we already know what 3 of the workouts will be. There will be one announced the day of...which is probably going to be awful, so that scares me! MONDAY UPPER BODY One of the workouts for the competition is to ...