I had a really great weekend that seemed to go by nice and slow for a change! Love those kind of weekends.
We didn't do anything exciting, but the weekend did include a candle lit pizza dinner. Papa Murphy's take and bake pizzas are great. Then we topped it off with chocolate chip cookies for dessert.
My husband was in heaven. I mean, seriously, I have never seen someone get so much pleasure from pizza, especially now that he's dieting for a show. I like to switch up our treats and have something different each week, but I don't think he'd ever tire of having pizza and only pizza every single week!Anyways, I just finished my WOD-what a great workout! Actually, my arms are still shaking as I type this! The workout was called "Lynne", and it's 5 rounds of: bodyweight bench press for max reps and then max pullups. You can rest as long as needed between exercises.
I used 120lbs for the bench press, and could only squeeze out about 2 reps each round, and I got between 15 and 20 pullups(kipping) each round. It's definitely a tough one, but fun, especially since I love to bench press and I don't get to do it all that often.
Now I'm off to walk Asher since the rain has stopped(we had a major thunderstorm last night that woke me up!) and the sun is shining. Then I'm going to cook up some food for myself for the week. I'm thinking pumpkin protein bars and maybe some beef vegetable soup. Yum!
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