Workout: (Upper body) 1)Strict barbell press:65x5-75x4-75x4-65x6(felt weak on these today!)/ 1 set of handstandpushups x6 2a)Pullups: 8(neutral)-7(overhand)-6(overhand)-9(underhand) 2b)DB incline chest press: 45x8-7-7-40x8 3a)DB push press: 30x9-10-10 3b)DB seated incline curl: 20x10-10-10 4a)Dips: 12-12 4b)Band pullaparts: 20-20-20 What I Ate: 8:00 1/2 cup oats, 1 scoop Syntha-6, 1 tbsp peanut butter 10:30 Post workout: Banana pudding, whey protein shake with skim milk 11:30 Lean beef burger on lettuce bun w/ketchup, sweet potato fries w/ketchup, 1/2 orange 2:45 Ground turkey w/taco seasoning and salsa, 2 orange slices, rice cake 6:30 1 cup cauliflower, 2 whole eggs, 2 whites scrambled with mozzarella cheese 10:00 Whey protein shake, 2 tbsp peanut butter
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things