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Just Bein' Real

Sorry, just a little something I needed to get off my chest. ;)
So yesterday I posted this status on Facebook:
"I've been really, really trying to eat more veggies lately. I just had a salad, and it actually makes me mad that I have to eat crap like that. It's like I just went outside and collected some leaves and grass to eat. Does anyone else despise salads as much as I do??"
Most people knew that I was just being my goofy self, but one person responded with this comment: "This would be a good time for a dislike button. Setting a good, motivating example by calling vegetables crap!"
Him saying that just really got under my skin!
For those of you who have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that I am honest and real. I don't try to be someone I'm not, and I don't try to pretend like I'm perfect all the time, like many other fitness experts/professionals/trainers(whatever you wanna call them)seem to do.
I eat really healthy, but am I perfect? NO. I  like junk food. I don't like vegetables. But I'm working on it, and I'm striving to be better and healthier. Of course, vegetables aren't "crap"-that's why I've been making myself eat them for the past couple years. But just because I eat them, doesn't mean I have to like them!
I have shared with you all my struggles, my insecurites, my fears, my body issues, and my food issues. I am completely open and honest with you guys because I want to be relatable and show that I'm human, too. So just know that one thing you will get from my blog is that I don't put up a front and that I tell it like it is!


  1. You are so much more than real and inspirational. It pisses me off to no end when I read fitness blogs (especially fitness models/competitors) who post how they eat chicken, egg whites, broccoli, yadda yadda (oh! and measure/weigh everything out) and they curb their cravings with tea or gum or some weird protein powder concoction. How can anyone live like this?! It makes me happy to read your blog because you write about your struggles and eat like a normal (health and fitness minded) person.

    Also, spinach... the gritty feeling all over your teeth when eating it... makes me literally want to throw up. It's nasty.

    1. Thank you so much! It drives me crazy also! The thing is, they only SHOW their good days...never the days when they eat something "bad" or have an off day where they don't eat perfect!

  2. You know what I think already! Totally agree with everything you've said here. I don't know how a person can honestly claim to prefer kale over chocolate. I mean, really?!?!? I eat vegetables because they are good for me, but I certainly don't enjoy it. Sure, sometimes I can prepare them in a way which makes them taste good but most of the time I choke them down. I think it's so important and helpful for you to be honest and show that you are normal! Stick to your guns, Lindsay xx

    1. Thanks again Tara! I care about my health, and that is the only reason I eat some of the things I do. And I will continue to keep trying new ways to prepare them so that they can be a little more tolerable! It's good to know I'm not the only one who is not in love with vegetables! :)

  3. Grr! Sorry about that comment! I've just started reading you and totally appreciate your honesty! Shake them off! You're CLEARLY healthy, fit, and have a great balance!

  4. The internet drives me crazy for that reason....seems like someone can't post their opinion about something simple and harmless like whether or not they like vegetables without someone getting offended. I consider you to be a great example, keep up the great work!!

    1. Yup! There will always be negative comments along with the good, I guess. Thanks!!

  5. It's obvious that you know vegetables are good for you, but we all have our likes and dislikes. I actually find it refreshing when I hear someone I look up to in a certain area mention that they struggle with something. It makes them easier to relate to. With social media, we usually just see the positive side of everyone and their strong points but it is nice to see the human side of people. If you can get the results you've achieved while disliking vegetables, then that should just fire people up.

    By the way, you are getting famous. I have run across several photos of you that people have pinned on their fitness motivation boards on Pinterest.

    1. Thanks a lot, Tom! I agree completely.
      I've seen some of my pics on Pinterest, and it still boggles my mind why I would be on anyone's motivation boards! Crazy!


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