How do YOU feel after a workout? I was just thinking as I was driving home from the gym the other day about how GOOD my workouts make me feel! Yes, my muscles are a little shaky and fatigued, but after a workout I am energized and leave the gym in a great mood! It got me thinking about how so many people think that they must absolutely KILL themselves at the gym every single time to get anything out of their workouts, which is just not the case. For one thing, thinking that you have to go to the gym and completely annihilate your body every time is at some point going to make you not enjoy going. And for another, it’s just not necessary. If the main goal of my workouts was to “kill” myself, I would just do a million burpees, or heck, just jump on the treadmill and run 5 miles(or one, haha!). But really, what good is that going to do me? it's not going to make me stronger, that's for sure. Beating your body to death is not what training is about...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things