It's crazy that this is my last week of training! 3 months has flown by. I am definitely getting anxious now! But trying to think positive and visualize myself having successful lifts. Trying to block out the negative thoughts that keep creeping back in! MONDAY DEADLIFT DAY Just worked on technique on deadlifts with my opener this week and some easy accessory stuff. Deadlifts were super easy, but they should be at that weight! The single leg RDLs actually got me sore since I haven't done those in so long! The leg curls were fun, but hard...and of course I still struggled through those stupid leg raises! 1)Deadlifts: 205x5x1 2)Single leg RDL: 40x3x10 3)Reverse hypers: 115x3x12 4)Sliding leg curls: 4x10 5)Hanging leg raise: 2x10/hanging knee raise: 2x12 WEDNESDAY BENCH DAY I had a really sucky bench day this week. It didn't help that I was starving going into because I forgot to grab a snack....and that it's that time of the month. It's definitely...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things