MONDAY FULL BODY Bench press didn't feel great this week, so I just did 3x3 with 115lbs and a couple back off sets at 105. Pullups felt strong though, so I decided to go a little heavier. I used a chain around my waist this time since a 30lb dumbbell is about the limit for what I can hold with my legs. That was pretty fun! Next was hip thrusts, and I decided to do sets of 8 today instead of pyramid sets. Worked up to 205 and really felt the booty burn on those this week! Then it was lunges and band walks, and farmer's walks. 1)Bench press: 115x3x3/105x6/105x5 2)Weighted neutral grip pullups: 20x5/25x3/35x4/3/3/0x8(wide grip) 3)Hip thrusts: 135x10/155x8/185x8/205x8/205x8/185x12 4a)Reverse single leg deficit lunge: 22.5x3x10 4b)Band walks: 3x10-12 /leg 5a)Pull-aparts: 3x20 5b)Farmer's walks: 70lbs x 4 x35 seconds 6)Stir the pot plank: 2x40 seconds WEDNESDAY LOWER BODY Squat day went great this week! This week I just wanted to see what I could do with 185. I ...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things