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Workouts Of The Week

Monday Full Body
Bench felt strong this week. I decided to just to straight sets with 105 for 4 x 6.  They felt good and smooth. For pullups I wanted to do a few more reps, so I didn't go as heavy this week. Hip thrusts just felt okay so I stuck with 185 for 3 sets of 10. Then I did some walking lunges instead of bulgarian split squats for sets of 12. Just didn't feel like doing split squats. :/ After that I just finished with abs and pull-aparts, then a few sets of 1 arm overhead carries. Not sure if I'll continue with this 3 times per week leg thing, as I'm feeling a little beat up lately!

1)Bench press: 105x4x6
2)Pullups(neutral grip): 25x2x6/20x2x5/0x6 (wide grip)
3)Hip thrusts: 135x12/155x10/185x3x10
4a)Band walks: 3x12
4b)Goblet squats: 50x12/Walking lunges: 25sx12(each leg)/
1 arm overhead walking lunge: 25 x 14(each leg)
5a)Pullaparts: 25/20/25
5b)Dragonfly: 2x8/Reverse crunch: 2x15
Overhead carries: 40/45/45lbs x 30ish seconds

Wednesday Lower Body
My hip flexors and glutes have been really tight lately, so I wasn't sure how squats were going to go this week. But I was happy that they still felt pretty good! I worked up to 185 again and was hoping to get 6 reps, but I stopped at 5 and then just did an extra set after that. I'll get 6 reps soon! Then I did a couple sets of pause squats, which are feeling really good-much easier than when I could barely do them with 135! I'm going to work on just pausing longer before I add weight or reps to those. I was able to go up to 275 on hip thrusts this week for a couple sets of 5! I am loving low rep hip thrusts. Then I did the same finisher I've been doing with a shorter rest this week. I was able to beat my time the first round, but not the second, which I didn't expect to with the shorter rest! The burn is awful for me on those darn jumps!

1)Squat jumps: 3x5
2)Squats: 155x6/175x6/185x5/184x4/175x5
3)Pause squats: 155x2x6
4)Hip thrusts: 5x5 @ 205/225/255/275/275
5)Back extensions: 40x10/45x3x10
6)Hanging leg raises 3x10

20 reps each-
Squat jumps
Lunge jumps
1 minute rest, 2x
Legs, I COMMAND you to grow!

Friday Upper Body
This week I went  up to 115 on push presses and was able to get 3 sets of 3, and they felt good! Not much else to mention about this workout really, since most of it's just accessory work...just went a little heavier on one arm chest presses and then added somewhat of  "finisher" at the end with pullups and handstand holds/walks just because I felt like I wanted to do more! Pullups actually felt much easier at the end of a workout!

1)Push press: 95x3/105x3/115x3x3/Handstand pushups x 6
2a)DB 1 arm chest press: 40x8/45x8/45x7/40x8
2b)Tbar row: 70x7/70x7/DB chest supported row: 40x10/40x12
3a)EZ bar curls: 60x6(all I could get this week)/50x8/ DB curls x 12
3b)Lateral raise: 3x12
4a)TRX reverse flyes: 3x12
4b)Lsits: 3x20 seconds
Pullups(wide grip): 6-5-4-3-2-1 + Handstands

Saturday Lower Body
This week I wanted to go a little heavier on deadlifts since I really haven't in a while. I worked up to 205, and they felt really good! Could be the fact that I actually wore a belt and switched my grip since I always forget to do that on sumos. Also narrowed my stance some and really liked it. I skipped front squats because honestly I'm still feeling achey and tight in my back and hip flexors, so I did leg presses instead. After this workout I went home and did some sled drags outside because it was such a gorgeous day!

1)Deadlifts: 175x3/195x3/205x3/205x3(with belt)/185x8
2)Glute ham raise: 10x10/ 20x3x8
3)Leg press: 270x4x12
4a)Band seated abductions: 3x20
4b)Single leg hip thrusts: 3x12
5)Negative ab wheel rollouts: 3x10
Reverse sled drags w/tire( 6 or 7 sets of about 20 seconds w/who knows how long of rest)


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