HAPPY FRIDAY and almost New Year's! 2016 wasn't a spectacular or special year in any way, really. No huge accomplishments or life changes or anything like that, but it was a good year! Celebrated 10 years of marriage, went on some fun trips, did a Crossfit competition, and got a deadlift PR, so can't complain. ;) I don't have any crazy goals or anything for this coming year, but I've always like odd numbered years, so I think 2017 is going to be great! While I don't really do resolutions, I'd thought I'd share a few things that I think we could all benefit from striving for this coming year: Don't compare yourself or your life to others . Comparison only steals our joy. No matter how "perfect" someone may appear, every single person has their own perceived flaws and insecurities. They will always be there no matter how fit or in shape or lean you get. Instead, choose to be thankful and embrace who YOU are and what makes YOU un...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things