I thought I'd share an update with you guys about how everything has been going lately with Matt. He's still doing well, getting in his workouts every other day and doing physical therapy.
We went out Saturday to try a new pizza place that he's been wanting to try since the day after his surgery three weeks ago! He was on steroids for a couple of weeks after surgery and was told to watch his carbs, which is why we had to wait so long. It was worth the wait!
So for the last couple of weeks we have been meeting with different doctors to figure out what the treatment plan will be for Matt moving forward. He had a spinal tap done last Friday, which came back negative for cancer cells in the spinal fluid, which is a great thing! We were very relieved to hear that.
We then talked with the radiation doctor and the oncologist at Norton Hospital last Monday. We were given some options as far as what they thought would be best, which was to go with radiation and then oral chemotherapy, along with a device called Optune.
We then met with a doctor in Cincinnati on Friday...which only left us more confused and was not very helpful at all. He actually told us something completely different in that he felt radiation would NOT be the best option for Matt and that it could potentially damage his optic nerve and lead to blindness. When we told that to the radiation doctor here in Louisville, he disagreed.
To make matters more confusing, Matt also talked with the doctor who treated him ten years ago, and he gave a different suggestion as far as treatment than the doctors here in Louisville. He suggested something called Avastin, and he thinks we should wait on the radiation rather than doing it right away.
Sooo that's where we're at right now. It's very confusing. Like, how can we possibly choose who's opinion to go with? Then we're being sent messages from people about all these other alternative therapies out there to try....and it's just very overwhelming.
I guess the thing is that there is no "right" or "wrong" way to go. It's just a matter of differing opinions about what the best strategy is, and if we ask ten doctors, we will probably get 10 different suggestions. So the decision is up to us...and ultimately, it's in God's hands.
Hopefully today is Matt is going to talk to the doctor here in Louisville about what his old doctor suggested, and then we may even try to get him in to see the doctor at Duke, since they have one of the top brain tumor centers in the country.
Again, I just want to thank you to all of you who have reached out to me to offer words of encouragement and for all of the prayers. It means SO much to us to have the support from all of you. I ask for continued prayers, specifically that God would give us wisdom and guide us in the right direction and for peace with whatever treatment plan we decide to go with.
"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the LORD's purpose that prevails." -Proverbs 19:21
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