I love deadlift day! Met with my trainer for this session since it was speed deads with bands, which I can't do on my own. After deadlifts it was good mornings from pins, which I liked WAY better than regular good mornings. Didn't feel like my back was gonna break in half! Then we did back extensions, and as much as I hate the burn on those, I can feel them soo good in my glutes and hams! Especially when you do them "Bret Contreras"style. They made me so sore the next day. Last was hip thrusts and abs. I was able to get 2 sets of 8 with 205 pretty easily on hip thrusts, even with my glutes, lower back and hams being fried at that point! Finally, he gave me a break from the hanging leg raises this week and let me do reverse crunches instead! Have I ever mentioned how much I hate working abs??
1)Speed deadlifts (55%): 7x1 @135+bands
2)Good mornings from pins: 85x6/95x4x6
3)Back extension: 25x3x12
4a)Hip thrust: 155x8/185x8/205x8/205x8
4b))Reverse crunch (w/medicine ball): 4x15
My bench workout this week kind of sucked. I'm having some shoulder/scapula issues on my left side, so it just felt weak. Also didn't feel like I could get my upper back tight in my set up or the right foot positioning to use my leg drive. I failed a rep on my second set of bench presses and had to drop the weight back down, which I hate. I'm also supposed to be doing bench with a pause from here on out, which is a lot harder. But then I forgot the pause on a couple of reps-definitely don't want to do that the day of the meet! With my elbow/shoulder issues, I'm taking it easy on finishers this week. Just need to get in my lifts and not push it on the Farmer's walks and prowlers, since those are just "extra"anyway.
1)Single board bench press(w/pause): 3x2 @125-135x1(failed second rep)-125-130(forgot pause on second rep!)
2)Floor press: 115x4x3
3)Seated cable row: 4x8
4)Straight arm pressdown: 3x12
5)DB incline chest press: 30x10/35x10/35x8
6)Bentover flyes: 2x15
Also did this workout with my trainer this week, since I don't have access to chains on my own. We did chain squats first, with a pause at the bottom of every rep, working on going just to parallel. It's definitely weird because for the last 2 years I've been working on going deeper! Then he had me to heavy RDLs, glute ham raises, abductions, and rollouts. He must really think I need to work on my posterior chain since we didn't do much quad work this workout.
1)Squat with chains: 175+40lbs chains x5x2
2)RDLs: 205x4x6
3)GHR: 20x3x6
4a)Ab wheel: 3x12(negatives)
4b)Seated band abductions: 3x20
SATURDAY -Accessory Day+Conditioning
I was a little scared of benching today just because of the elbow/shoulder thing I've had going on, but it actually felt fine. I kept the weight a tad bit lighter on incline presses and stuck with a narrower grip. I followed up this workout by doing about 20 minutes of sled drags. The first 10 minutes were forward and backwards w/ a added weight for 30 seconds with about 30 seconds rest. Then I took the weight out of the tire and just walked for the last 10 minutes up and down the neighborhood. It was fun! It's actually what my coach recommended I do for conditioning, I just hadn't tried it yet. Mostly because I just like doing my conditioning at the gym and not having to drive home to finish my workout.
1)Speed press: 8x3 @55% (80lbs)
2a)Single leg hip thrust: 4x10-12 w/weight
2b)Incline bench press: 85x3x6
3)Neutral grip pullups: 3x6
4a)Lateral raise: 3x10
4b)Pull-aparts: 3x15
4c)Tricep pushdown:3x15
Conditioning: 20 minute tire drag
a pump and feeling the burn are easy, but getting stronger year in and year out
is hard work."
-Bret Contreras
Your workouts look really solid. I'm quite interested into moving to a more powerlifting style soon, so it is always good to see some workouts from someone who is already moved in that direction!
ReplyDeleteRandom question you have any experience/know anything about overtraining? I'm showing all the symptoms lately, but I have NO idea what to do. I took a week off, but I don't think that was long enough. I'm a bit guilty of pushing myself too much and I think it's coming back to haunt me.
Add in more rest days into your training schedule, and maybe cut back on volume for a couple of months, as in less reps and sets. Don't train to failure-stop one to two reps short, at least on your big lifts. And if you're overdoing cardio, cut back on that. That's all I can say without knowing the details of how you currently train.
DeleteThanks so much for the reply Lindsay!!
DeleteIt must be the volume, as I only train 4x a week with 2 HIIT sessions currently. I do always train to failure though. Thanks again Lindsay :).