"I have a dream that one-day…
women will fill the weight room.
A woman curling,
A woman pressing,
and a woman squatting is as commonplace as a man.
I have a dream that women will discover the power of grasping a barbell. I want her to feel what it’s like to grab ahold of her own strength. It’s not a dance, hop, or step, but a forge forward into one’s own power.
I have a dream that in the depth of a squat, many women realize there are no short cuts to health. It’s just push, after push, after ONE MORE PUSH. With weight on her back and muscles firing, it becomes obvious that life is hard work.
I have a dream women will say to the men and marketers “No, I know it as well as you do,” and “You can’t trick me into buying what doesn’t work.”
I have a dream that fit isn’t one shape or size, and that the beauty of fit is seen in the pursuit of “better”."
:) <3 love it too!