I've talked a lot about my nutrition and how I used to have certain "rules" for myself to follow. For example, I could only have carbs around workouts and no carbs at night, I couldn't have "too many" grains, and I had to eat very low carb the day before and after a cheat meal. I truly thought if I didn't adhere to those things that I would gain fat. It got to the point where I was afraid of every thing I put into my mouth, and I was forcing myself to eat things I really didn't even like! I would rarely have any "treats" or "bad" food throughout the week-only my one weekly treat meal. One day I was talking with the owner of the gym where I work about carb backloading, something he had recently started doing. He gave me the suggestion of adding in carbs later in the day. I was like, "So you mean I can eat a bun on my burger? I can have rice with my ground turkey?" I thought I'd give it a try and just see what woul...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things