'A Widow's Song' By: Carolyn Moor MWC Founder - Despite what you might think, we are not stuck living in the past because we hang out with other widows. - We are not in denial that we lost our spouses and yet, have a life to live for today. - We know we aren't the same person as before anymore. - We probably do need counseling- among a lot of other things. - We occasionally make bad judgements. That's how we learn. - We know we don't fit 'normal' for you (or us) in the world. - We know you want us to go back to the person we used to be. We wish that too but it's not happening. - Maybe we are crazy, if crazy means nothing makes sense anymore. Feeling crazy sends me on an emotional roller coaster which includes both laughing and crying in one sentence. - We are going to talk about them, have their picture around. Forever. 2 years is not a long time in our world. - We feel like you over step your boundaries with us. - We can't fix this right...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things