Heeeey!! Happy Friday! So next week I'm starting with my trainer, and I'm really excited! I decided to go with someone local rather than an online coach, just because for me, I feel like I needed someone who could give me instant feedback on my lifts and fix any issues in person. I'm not nervous about the meet since it's so far off at this point, but I'm just hoping I will be able to get stronger! For some reason I find myself thinking that I'm at my genetic limit in terms of strength and muscle gains, so I know I have to really work on my mindset. I have to truly believe that I can and WILL get stronger! My training lately has been going great. Since doing sumo deadlifts exclusively for the last few months, the chronic knots and tightness in my lower back is pretty much totally gone! It's awesome-I forgot what it felt like! I feel like I'm stronger at conventional deadlifts, but maybe I can get my sumo to catch up because the constant tightne...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things