What I Ate: 8:00 -PB protein oats(1/2cup), coffee w/ cream (I could eat this every day for the rest of my liiiiife!!!) 11:30 -leftover graham cracker pudding pie (no clue how much) + MuscleTech Whey Isolate protein shake mixed with almond milk 12:45 -2 eggs + 2 whites + mozzarella cheese, 2 Van's waffles w/sugar free syrup 3:30 - 3.5 oz baked chicken, apple, rice cake(could only cram down one in between clients!) 7:00 -1 cup rice(brown today) mixed w/ 4 oz ground turkey and 2 tbsp. salsa, 2 Hershey kisses :) 10:00 - 1/2 cup cottage cheese, 2 tbsp. peanut butter Workout: Today was leg day! 1a)Glute ham raise 3x8(finally getting the hang of these and where to be positioned!) 1b)Vertical jump 3x5 2)Back squat 5x5 3)Hip thrust 1x12/10/8/10 (Did 175x10, which is a rep PR! Sloooooowly getting stronger on these. LOVE them!) 4)Single leg squat to bench, holding weight: 3x8 5)Band clams 2x20 6)Glute kickbacks 2x12 (Yes, I actually used a mach...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things