Last week was my first week back to following some sort of a plan and my first time squatting, benching, and deadlifting since the meet! It was really kind of fun to bench and squat more than 3 reps! Bench felt pretty heavy with a weight that used to feel easier, but squats actually felt pretty good. I decided to work on sumo deads again for a little while just because I suck at them. And yeah...they felt really hard! From now on I'm going to start squatting twice a week, but I decided not to this week just because Saturday I was still sore from squats on Wednesday! I figure I'll ease myself into it. These last few weeks I've just been so sore from doing things I haven't done in a few months. My focus with these workouts is going to be on improving week to week in some way, whether it's an extra set, more reps, a heavier weight for the same reps, or just better/slower form. Building muscle is ALL about progressively challenging yourself-you just can't d...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things