For my upcoming beach trip, I decided to stop lifting heavy and train with light weights and high reps just to tone up a little more. I also added in a few extra days of cardio. Juuuust kidding. The truth is, I haven't changed my training in any way. I'm still lifting heavy on the main lifts(squats, bench, deadlift) in the lower rep range. As for cardio, I walk a couple of times a week, I have one day of farmer's walks and one day of prowler pushes or sled drags after lifting. That's what I've been doing for years now-it works for me, and I enjoy it. I didn't do any "extra" ab work besides the 2-3 exercises I do each week at the end of my workouts. The point is, lift heavy . Even if you are trying to lose fat, tone up, whatever-lift heavy. The concept that you should use high reps and low weight to lose fat is nonsense. Lifting heavy burns a ton of calories and helps you build muscle, over time resulting in lower body fat and a tighter...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things