Happy Tuesday(that feels like a Monday)! Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial day weekend. We had a family cookout on Sunday. I had so much fun with my family, playing with all my little cousins, running around barefoot, playing volleyball, and eating lots of yummy food! Celeste and all my little cousins are just the cutest things! Monday I didn't go in to work, so I got in a quick workout that morning, then spent the rest of the day floating in the pool and laying in the hammock. It was the perfect hot, summer day! So I'm really excited, because I finally decided to get a local powerlifting/weightlifting coach to write me out a strength focused program! The reason I haven't followed a program for a while is because there are so many out there, that I just get overwhelmed. You know, the whole, "paralysis by analysis" thing? Yeah...It's easier to be a bodybuilder and just wing it! I'm excited to follow a structur...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things