2011 was an exciting year for my training. This was the year of CrossFit! I really had so much fun doing CrossFit. It made me see what "fitness" is really about-that it's so much more than just looking good. It opened up my eyes to the world outside of "bodybuilding" by showing me how much more is out there...I will forever be thankful for that. :) It was exciting to learn so many new things to add to my training-kettlebells, double unders, handstand pushups, deadlifts, front squats, Olympic lifts, push presses, rope climbs, muscle ups. I did none of these things before CrossFit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-3aJcH3qn58 It was good for me to have a change of pace from the same old things I had been doing for years.I was challenged in ways I've never been before, but I loved it! I will be sure to incorporate all of the new things I've learned into my workout program for the rest of my life, if I'm able. Some of the things I want to focus o...
Just me rambling about life- fitness, faith, food, widowhood, step-momming...and other random things